AFF - your first steps Into Skydiving

What is AFF ?
AFF stands for Accelerated Free Fall, and as the name suggests, it is a quick learning method for individuals who wish to learn how to skydive.
It comprehends in general 8 Levels

Once you have cleared Level 7 you will initiate your Solo Jump Training where you will have a Consolidation Jump Program to assist you towards your Skydiving License!

After a Ground School Session of about 8 hours, which comprehends both theoretical and practical components followed by a written test You, the student, will be jumping out of the airplane and freefall alongside qualified instructors who will be holding onto your student's harness, while guiding you, when needed, via handsignals.

During AFF you will learn things such as how to: 
  • check your own gear
  • board and move inside the aircraft
  • exit the aircraft
  • achieve a stable and controlled body position in freefall
  • pull your parachute
  • read the altimeter
    and last but not least
  •  fly and land the parachute you're jumping with, safely.
  • "... and more" 
Every jump has a briefing of new skills to learn and improve and a debriefing on how you performed on said jump.

We will also use video footage of your jumps to assist in giving you the needed feedback.
This way you get the most out of every single AFF Jump.
AFF Levels General Structure
Each AFF level has a set of skills that you need to clear before advancing to the following level.
In general it is possible to clear one AFF level in one Jump, but for that you need to clear all requirements of that AFF Level

To make your learning process light, easy and progressive, during the initial 3 Levels you will jump with 2 Instructors. 
Below you can find a simplified description of the AFF levels:

  • Lv1: Adapt to a new environment and where to Pull your Parachute
  • Lv2: Leg awareness and Change to, and keep, a new direction
  • Lv3: Hovering and Heading Control

When this stage is cleared, you will begin jumping with 1 Instructor only:

  • Lv4: 90 degree controlled turns
  • Lv5: 360 degree controlled turns
  • Lv6: solo exit, backflip and/or barrel roll and tracking
  • Lv7: Unassisted freefall while showing control:
    altitude awareness
    assigned sequence of exercises
    pull the parachute at the assigned altitude

  • Lv8: Solo Unassisted Jump from ca. 5000ft
You are clear to Jump Solo after passing AFF Lv7
Skydiving Licenses
Once done with your AFF, you need to clear some more requirements to get your complete Skydiving License.
Click the button bellow to find a quick guideline to give you an idea of what to expect.
Want to Continue towards your Skydiving License?
Start your Consolidation Jump Program and get your Coached Jumps